Thanks to all scholars who made a major contribution in presenting their articles to the readers by selecting the journals of Research Hub LLC. We believe that with the cooperation of the members of the editorial board of the Research Hub LLC’s three journals, we can make a significant contribution to the development of our knowledge in the fields of management, accounting, social sciences and humanities, engineering, and technology. The following are important announcements about journals:

  1. name of UCT Journal of Management and Accounting Studies is change to Journal of Management and Accounting Studies (ISSN: 2693-8448). From volume 8 issue 2 (2020) onwards, articles are released under the new name Journal of Management and Accounting Studies.
  2. the Journal of Management and Accounting Studies are published as open access, quarterly, and online.

It is worth note that these changes do not affect the mission of the mentioned journals. All articles are evaluated by peer review process and ethical principles. Journal of Management and Accounting Studies will continue to select and publish high-quality articles that create a significant contribution in a specific era.

We sincerely thank all the members of the editorial board, reviewers, readers, authors for their continued support.